Tuesday 20 July 2010

Starting an Art Collection

Art is like wine…and Marmite.

Buying art is simple. A bit like wine. If you like it – buy it.
Of course, there are a few other factors to consider…but dealers, auctioneers and galleries have spent centuries trying to mystify and over complicate the joy of collecting art…and you can right now smash all their theories in one go. If you like it – thats a jolly good start!
Do you like it? You should and its as simple as that. Let me give you an example… You wouldn’t walk down the street wearing a pair of shoes you don’t like, would you? Neither would you put a chair in your drawing room if you didn’t like it. So why should you hang a painting on your wall, if you don’t like it? You shouldn’t.
If you like it – then you’re on the first rung of the very simple ladder to climb…
I often liken art to wine. Mainly, because it is largely a personal thing. One chap might love it – another hate it… Only you can say with any truth if you like a certain wine and the same goes for art.
I recently stood in front of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, in the Louvre Museum, Paris. It was very interesting to just stand and listen to what the hoards of other admirers had to say. Most people had just got it on their list of “sights to see in Paris”, but they all had an opinion. It was either “amazing” or, “Whats so special about it?”….I found it confirming of the views I have always had about art. One chap loves it – another hates it. A bit like Marmite, I guess.
Of course, there are other factors that motivate the purchase of art. Several of them. But for now, I shall leave you with that thought…bet you’ve never liked the worlds most famous painting to Marmite before!

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