Tuesday 20 July 2010

Anyone can Do it – we all can.

Duncan Bannatyne is right, you know. Anyone can. Anyone can do it.
So, what stops us? There are a million answers to that. I am no wannabe head shrink who will add to the zillions of pages already on the internet, all of which will no doubt tell us.
What gets in my way? Well, I can answer that one – and I suspect only you can answer yours. For me, its usually fear. Fear of failure. I fear something might go wrong, I will look an idiot – sorry, more of an idiot than before. So, fear keeps me sitting still and not taking action. Occasionally, I see through that fear, conquer it and achieve something.
So how can reading a book help get rid of fear? Well, personally speaking, I am someone who needs encouragement. I feel boosted if I hear someone else tell me their story of how they did it. I love reading biographies of how people have achieved something, built something, created something. They encourage, motivate and inspire me. Testimonies are good news – for us all.
Duncan Bannatyne, one of Britains most well known entrepreneurs, has written a book on just that. How he did it. I first read it a couple of years ago and found it enormously encouraging. After getting half way through it, I did start to think – “well;, if he can, so can I…”.
It’s so easy to look at successful people and just see the end result. Its a bit like turning to the last page of the novel without reading the tears, pain, frustration, hard work and everything else that’s gone into making them who they are today… We see the lavish lifestyles, the cars, houses today – but its easy to overlook the graft that happened yesterday.
I think, for me, thats the good thing about Bannatyne’s book – Anyone Can Do It. He really takes time in it to go through those early years – years of struggle and hardwork, toil and labour. Yes, they paid off and we all know the end result. But, I find when I’m having a really tough day or week (or month!), that actually its quite encouraging to read these guys all did too. And most importantly, that they came through it – soldiered on – conquered fear and were successful.
Richard Branson was just the same and every entrepreneur before him.
So, if like me and its yet another Monday morning of feeling – “Euuggghh….back to work”, then start to believe that you can do it too. What “it” refers to will be completely different for each of us…”It” certainly is not just about money and business – its so many different things to each of us. But, reading how someone else has turned their life around and achieved their “it”, has really encouraged and motivated me and I hope it will you too. Buy it.

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